Friday 29 August 2014

CRACKING 101 - 1990 edition-1

                          CRACKING 101 - 1990 edition

                                   Lession #1

                             ³ CRACKING DOS Files ³

                               By Buckaroo Banzai

              Today I'm here to about is cracking a dos format (either
         .EXE or .COM) file.  This, in my mind is releativly the
         simplest (in theory although pratice might say otherwise)
         type of crack to do.

              There are really 3 steps in cracking a dos file.  Step
         1, is finding where the protection routine is.  How to go
         about it, well, there are several diffrent methods.  Here are
         the steps that I often use.

              First, I will run the program under PC-WATCH (PW)
         trapping INT13 all functions and INT21 functions 3Dh and 3Fh.
         Why trap the functions.  This will give (hopefully) a
         starting place to look for the protection.  Once you have set
         the breakpoints, press [F4] to execute and you will drop to
         dos.  When you do, PW should display several calls to INT13.
         What closly at the CS:IP of these calls.  Record it for later
         because these are calls from dos.  We will uses this data to
         recognize what is a call to the protection and what is not.

              Next, run the program to be cracked.  As it executes,
         PC-WATCH will show what files are opened (including the file
         you just ran since DOS uses function 3Dh to open a file when
         it executes one) and what (and more improtantly WHERE) data
         is read to.  Makes a list saying what data is read in from
         what file.  Here is an example.  Lets say you ran the program
         "XXX.COM".  While running, "XXX.COM", you noticed that 2
         other files "YYY.BIN" and "ZZZ.BIN" were also opened.  So
         make a list like this:

             XXX.COM       YYY.BIN       ZZZ.BIN
             ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ

              Now, lets say that after "XXX.COM" was opened, PW showed
         that there were 2 reads from "XXX.COM" (the way to tell where
         the data is being read from is by checking the BX register on
         calls to 3Fh and the AX registers after calls to 3Dh.  Yes,
         you should select both INPUT REGISTERS and OUTPUT REGISTERS
         from the PW menu) 1 at aaaa:bbbb and 1 as cccc:dddd.  Right
         after "YYY.BIN" was opened, PW showed data was read to
         eeee:ffff and then after "ZZZ.BIN" was opened, data was
         written to gggg:hhhh and iiii:jjjj.  Now, our list looks like

             XXX.COM       YYY.BIN       ZZZ.BIN
             ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ       ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ
             aaaa:bbbb     eeee:ffff     gggg:hhhh
             cccc:dddd                   iiii:jjjj

              What we have just created in a program load map.  This
         map shows where to program to be cracked is loaded in memory.
         Next, scan though the calls to INT13.  Look for either calls
         that return with errors, calls that have high values in the
         CH ( > 28) or CL ( > 9) registers, or calls not made by dos
         (those calls that have a CS:IP diffrent from the one we
         copied down before we executed the program).  Now, look at
         the CS:IP of the call to INT13.  Match the segment address
         against the program load map.  If only 1 match occurs, then
         you now know what module the check is in so continue on to
         step #2.  If more than 1 match occurs, check the offset (IP).
         Find the one that is closest to one of the write address's
         offset.  Once you find a match, then go on to step #2.  If no
         match occurs after both steps, it's time to track through the

              Tracking your way though the program is a real bitch.  I
         do not like to do because it can just take to long.  But here
         is an overview on how it is done.

              The object, is to keep narowing down calls until disk
         access if found.  How to do this.  Well, load the program
         under debug.  Keep tracing through the program in till a
         "CALL" instruction is found.  Jot down you current IP and
         PROCEED (using debug P command) over the instruction without
         tracing in to it.  If you end up at the next instruction
         without access that disk, then you have not found the routine
         you are looking for so keep going.  Search for the next
         "CALL" and then the next and then the next etc.  At some
         point, when you proceed over a call, the disk will either
         check protection or load in a new module.

              How to tell the diffrence, well PW is still active and
         will tell you if it was a call to INT13 or INT21 or BOTH.  If
         it was the call to INT13 or a call to BOTH then you have
         found a call to the protection routine (although the actual
         call may be 100 levels deeper, you are on the right track).
         Exit and restart but this time when you reach the call,
         trace into it.  Now do the same process until you get to the
         call to the next level, then again for the next, etc.
         Finally you should find where it is.

              But hopefully, you won't have to do that.  As I said, it
         is very time consumming.  Hopefully, you will know which
         module to look in.  If you do, here is how to find the call
         to the protection.  First, try the simple search method.
         Load up the module using DEBUG and simply type:

                   S CS:100 FFFF CD 13  (use CS:100 if .EXE)

              Debug will hopefully list 1 or more address.  If not,
         try the same command only using CS:0000.  If again you are
         not givin any address, you have some tricky debugging at hand
         (an I suggest rereading the exercise in self-modifying code).

              I will explain in detail how to find self-modifying code
         later but for now, lets assume we have found the protection
         routine.  Next, is to figure out what the copy protection is
         trying to do.  First, look to the printout from PW.  Look
         through it until you find the calls the INT13 from the
         protection routine.  Look at the AH register.  If it is 00h
         then the protection routine is probally reading in data from
         the protected tracks.  If not, then the protection is simply
         looking for some KEY (in other words a damaged track or
         sector) that DOS canno't duplicate.

              The second choice is much eaiser to defeat.  2 quick
         methods to defeating this type.  First, you can fake the call
         and simply set the registers.  Take the follow check to a
         protection routine:

         1:      mov AX,0201h      ; Read 1 sectors using int 13h
         2:      mov CX,2909h      ; Track 29h sector 09h
         3:      xor DX,DX         ; Drive 0, head 0
         4:      int 13h           ; Read sector
         5:      jnc Bad           ; If no error then it's a copy
         6:      cmp AH,10h        ; Was it a CRC error
         7:      jne Bad           ; No, then it's a copy
         8:      mov AX,0h         ; clear error flag
         9:      jmp Done          ; we are done
         Bad:    mov AX,1          ; set error flag
         Done:   ret               ; we are done

              What is the above code trying to do.  Well, it's
         checking for a KEY on track 29h.  That key is sector 09h.
         Normally sector 09h would not have an error.  On a read to
         the original disk, after the int13 (line 4) is executed, the
         carry flag (CF) would be set.  The jnc in line 5 would jump
         if CF is not set (indicating no error, which is bad since the
         original disk would have an error there).  The next line
         checks AH to see if it is 10h.  This is checking to see if
         the error was a Bad CRC on the read (the error that should be
         there).  If it was not, then again it is not the protected
         disk.  Only after both of thoses conditions are met, will the
         protection routine return a "GOOD" result.

              The key here is the value returned in AX an possibly
         CF.  When the disk is the original, AX would return the value
         of 0000h and CF = 1 but when it was a copy, it would return
         0001h and CF = 0 or 1.  Since on a bad return, CF can be 0 or
         1 then it is preaty safe to assume CF is not used to signal
         the return.  So what must we do to beat the protection
         routine, well, simply return from this CHECK with AX = 0000h.
         Simple.  Just change line 1 to "mov AX,0000h" and line 2 to
         "RET".  This will just bypass the check.

              Now, this example is quite simple and would probally
         never be used in a REAL protection routine.  I kept it simple
         to show the point, see the example on how to crack DRAWING
         ASSISTANT for a better example.

              The second and more perferd method is to simply bypass
         the call to the protection routine and kill of the section of
         code that test for the check position.  Take the following

         10:     call 1                  ; call the first example
         11:     cmp AX,0                ; Was it the original
         12:     jz  Good2               ; Yes, then good
         13:     ... BAD it was a copy   ; No, then bad

              The above example, when used with the last example show
         a typical call to a protection routine.  The perfered method
         to crack this protection would not be to simply fake the
         return, but to remove the call to the protection.  How to do
         it, simple.  Just jump over the check.  Change line 10 to
         "jmp Good2".  This will bypass the protection routine.

              Now, you might ask why would you want to take the extra
         step of finding the call to the protection routine rather
         than simply faking an int13 and returning with the proper
         registers set.  2 reasons.  First, What if there wasn't
         enough room to setup the registers the way you needed them.
         Then you would have to take the extra step.  Second, what if
         somewhere down the line, that routine is used for something
         else (like the int13 is modified into an int10 in a game).
         Since you have changed the bytes at that location, the
         modifying routine would create code that wasn't exepcted.
         But as always, if you can fake the return, and the program
         works, leave it.  After all, not to many people go around
         look at other peoples cracks (do they???).

              Now, what to do, if the program actually reads in
         important data from the disk.  Well, there are 2 ways to go
         about this (possibly more).  First, you could patch the
         program so that when it calls it's protection routine, it
         jumps to your user routine that opens a file and reads in the
         data to the right place.  This method is preaty simple to add
         to a .COM file but a much harder to patch on to the back of a
         .EXE.  I won't really go in to this method much more than to
         say use your brains.  It's not a difficult concept.

              The other method, is to create a LOADER or a TSR.  I
         suggest creating an Interrupt Service Routine (ISR) that
         handles loading in the data.  For example, let say you wrote
         a routine to read in the needed data for a file.  It is not
         to difficult to convert that routine into an ISR.  (For notes
         on ISR and TSRs, try reading The Waite Group's "MS-DOS
         PAPERS".  It has one of the best sections on the subject).

                        Consider this following example:

         A:            call 1           ; test protection
         B:            jnc Good         ; was it successfull
         C:            ... BAD load     ; no then it's a copy
                       ... EXIT TO DOS  ; so exit to dos
         Good:         ... Good load    ; yes then it original
                       call 7C00:0000   ; then jump of protection
                                        ; data

         1:            mov ax,0209      ; Read 9 sectors starting from
         2:            mov cx,290a      ; Track 29h Sector 0Ah (10)
         3:            xor dx,dx        ; for drive A: head 0
         4:            mov bx,7c00      ; read to 7c00:0
         5:            mov es,bx        ;
         6:            mov bx,0         ;
         7:            int 13h          ;
         8:            ret

              What the above example dos.  Lines 1-8 try to read in
         sectors 0Ah - 12h for track 29h on drive A:.  This is the
         protection check routine.  Lines A - Good attempt to check
         the protection, and then if the check is good (CF = 0) then
         a call to the loaded in code (the data loaded in by the
         protection check) is made.

              What we want to do, is somehow when INT 13h is called,
         load in the needed data for disk.  Well, here is my
         suggestion.  First, I would change line 7 from "int 13h" to
         "int BBh".  Next, I would create a small .COM loader that
         would execute the main program as a child process (read the
         DOS TECH REF on the EXEC function).  But before I did that, I
         would write an ISR (interrupt service routine) for INT BBh.
         Here is the general outline for the ISR

              þ Use dos to open the file containing the needed data
              þ Read in the data to ES:BX (where int 13h would put it)
              þ Close the file
              þ set AX to 0000 and clear CF
              þ iret

              The loader would go like this :

              þ Get current int BBh address (DOS func. 35h)
              þ Set int BBh address to ours (DOS func. 25h)
              þ use DOS to EXECUTE (Dos func. 4Bh) the program to be
              þ Restore the address of BBh

              Well, that about all I have to say about cracking a dos
         file.  I hope this section has been usefull to you.  Next I
         will show by example the techinques in this section while
         cracking I.B.M. Drawing Assistance (1.00).

              One last thing.  After you have cracked the program, try
         running it from a hard drive with PW set to trap calls to INT
         21h function 1Bh (get fat byte).  If the program make a call
         to here, get the address and find that section of code.  What
         the program is trying to do is check to see if you are
         running from a hard drive (most programs have diffrent
         protection routines for hard drives).  When you find it,
         simply replace the "INT 21h" with a "MOV DS:[BX],FDh".  This
         will fake the program in to thinking you are working on a
         floppy disk.

              Ok, for our example we will be removing the code from
         IBM's Drawing assistant.  Now now, I know it's not the best
         program out there, but shit, It's hard to find shit with on
         disk copy protection anymore.  So here we go...

              I needed 3 programs in cracking the assist. series.
         Locksmith by Alph Logic, Periscope debugger, and DEBUG
         (supplied with DOS).  By using these three programs together,
         I was able to figure out and remove the copy protection in
         under 30 minutes.

              Drawing Assistant (DA) is IBM's answer to colorpaint for
         the Jr.  It is a simple drawing program (a more advanced
         version is included in StoryBoard Deluxe) but easy to learn
         and use.  So far, I have only seen version 1.00 of this

              DA made calls to the copy protection routine in 3
         diffrent modules.  The files "SETDRAW.EXE", "DRAWASST.EXE"
         and "DRAWASST.TWO" all contained calls to the copy
         protection.  Also, "DRAWASST.TWO" and "DRAWASST.EXE" are for
         all intensive puporses then same file.

              I first started off by loading DRAWASST.EXE with debug
         and searched for any int 13's by executing the debug command

                s CS:0 FFFF CD 13         Search CS:0 - CS:FFFF for CD
                                          13 (int 13)

           I located 2 diffrent calls to int 13h, so I then listed
         them.  Here is what I found...

                     { First, some initialization routines }

                     18FD:0343 1E            PUSH   DS
                     18FD:0344 B80000        MOV    AX,0000
                     18FD:0347 50            PUSH   AX
                     18FD:0348 B89724        MOV    AX,2497
                     18FD:034B 8ED8          MOV    DS,AX
                     18FD:034D BB1000        MOV    BX,0010
                     18FD:0350 2E            CS:
                     18FD:0351 8A07          MOV    AL,[BX]
                     18FD:0353 3C00          CMP    AL,00
                     18FD:0355 7418          JZ     036F

                { This set is called if DA has been installed }
                             { on the hard drive }
                  { When cracked, this will NEVER be called }

                     18FD:0357 B419          MOV    AH,19
                     18FD:0359 CD21          INT    21
                     18FD:035B 8AD0          MOV    DL,AL
                     18FD:035D FEC2          INC    DL
                     18FD:035F B41C          MOV    AH,1C
                     18FD:0361 CD21          INT    21
                     18FD:0363 8A07          MOV    AL,[BX]
                     18FD:0365 BB9724        MOV    BX,2497
                     18FD:0368 8EDB          MOV    DS,BX
                     18FD:036A 3CF8          CMP    AL,F8
                     18FD:036C 7475          JZ     03E3
                     18FD:036E CB            RETF

            { This set is called if DA is running from the floppy }

                     18FD:036F B419          MOV    AH,19
                     18FD:0371 CD21          INT    21
                     18FD:0373 FEC0          INC    AL
                     18FD:0375 B400          MOV    AH,00
                     18FD:0377 A320C6        MOV    [C620],AX
                     18FD:037A 8AD0          MOV    DL,AL
                     18FD:037C B41C          MOV    AH,1C
                     18FD:037E CD21          INT    21
                     18FD:0380 8A07          MOV    AL,[BX]
                     18FD:0382 BB9724        MOV    BX,2497
                     18FD:0385 8EDB          MOV    DS,BX
                     18FD:0387 3CF8          CMP    AL,F8
                     18FD:0389 7408          JZ     0393

                 { Here is the called to read in the key disk }

                     18FD:038B E8A675        CALL   7934
                     18FD:038E 3D0100        CMP    AX,0001
                     18FD:0391 7450          JZ     03E3

           Let's take these code segments 1 at a time.  The fist, is
         some simple initialization routines.  Here is the code, only
         this time full comments are added.

         { First, some initialization routines }
         ; Setup for return to DOS

         18FD:0343 1E            PUSH   DS
         18FD:0344 B80000        MOV    AX,0000
         18FD:0347 50            PUSH   AX

         ; Setup DS to point to the data segment

         18FD:0348 B89724        MOV    AX,2497
         18FD:034B 8ED8          MOV    DS,AX

         18FD:034D BB1000        MOV    BX,0010    ; CS:10 points to
                                                   ; installed flag
         18FD:0350 2E            CS:
         18FD:0351 8A07          MOV    AL,[BX]

         18FD:0353 3C00          CMP    AL,00      ; If not installed,
                                                   ; jump to diskette
         18FD:0355 7418          JZ     036F       ; routines

           What we are want to do, is fool DA in to thinking that it
         is stilling loading from diskette.  Nothing really needs to
         be changed in this segment, but, just to be safe, we will
         force the jump at 355.  To change the current values, use
         DEBUG's [A]ssembler command.

                 A CS:355
                 18FD:355 JMP 36F

           Now, we have forced the jump, we can move on to the third
         code segment skipping over the second since it will never be
         called again.  The 3rd code segment checks to see if you are
         using a hard drive.  It does so by first getting the logical
         drive letter, then reading in the FAT descriptor byte for
         that drive.  Here is the commented code.

         { This set is called if DA is running from the floppy }

         ; First, get the current drive

         18FD:036F B419          MOV    AH,19     ; DOS function 19h -
                                                  ; Get Current Drive
         18FD:0371 CD21          INT    21

         18FD:0373 FEC0          INC    AL         ; Add 1 for BIOS
         18FD:0375 B400          MOV    AH,00      ; Clear AH
         18FD:0377 A320C6        MOV    [C620],AX  ; Store it at C620
         18FD:037A 8AD0          MOV    DL,AL      ; Store it in DL
         18FD:037C B41C          MOV    AH,1C      ; DOS function 1Ch
                                                   ; Get Fat desc.
         18FD:037E CD21          INT    21         ; returns pointer
                                                   ; in DS:BX
         18FD:0380 8A07          MOV    AL,[BX]    ; Get the actual
                                                   ; byte
         18FD:0382 BB9724        MOV    BX,2497    ; Restore DS
         18FD:0385 8EDB          MOV    DS,BX

         18FD:0387 3CF8          CMP    AL,F8      ; Check to see if
                                                   ; it is a H/D
         18FD:0389 7408          JZ     0393       ; Yes, then jump

         { Fall in to the check for the key disk }

           As you can see, this section of code is quite straigth
         forward.  It just checks to see if you are using a hard
         drive.  What we want to do is to fake an DOS function 1Ch and
         return the value for a floppy.  This is done by putting the
         value of FDh in AL then NOPing the rest.  Again use the
         Debug's [A] command.

                 A CS:37C

                 18FD:037C MOV AL,FD
                 18FD:0380 NOP
                 18FD:0381 NOP
                 18FD:0382 NOP
                 18FD:0383 NOP

           Now, you might ask why I didn't simple force a jump over
         the code.  The answer is what if DA uses the value at C620 at
         a later time (which it doesn't but let's pretend).  If I had
         forced the jump then the value might not have been
         initialized and the crack might not work.  Now that we have
         simulated running from diskette, we must deal for the check
         for the key disk.

              This is where Periscope came in to play.  Using
         periscope, I made the above corrections and ran the program
         up till CS:038B (the call to the check). Here is the code,
         including the actual check.  I have indented the check to
         make it easier to read.

         { Here is the called to read in the key disk }

         18FD:038B E8A675        CALL   7934    ; Check key on disk
                                                ; (track 27h side 0)

           18FD:7934 A120C6        MOV   AX,[C620]     ; Get drive
                                                       ; letter
           18FD:7937 FEC8          DEC   AL
           18FD:7939 A23BC6        MOV   [C63B],AL     ; Store it for
                                                       ; later
           18FD:793C 1E            PUSH  DS
           18FD:793D 07            POP   ES
           ; Setup pointers to what sectors to try to read

           18FD:793E BB30C6        MOV   BX,C630
           18FD:7941 891E39C6      MOV   [C639],BX
           18FD:7945 C6063CC603    MOV   BYTE PTR [C63C],03
           18FD:794A C6063DC601    MOV   BYTE PTR [C63D],01

           ; Reset the disk

           18FD:794F B400          MOV   AH,00
           18FD:7951 CD13          INT   13

           ; Get address of sector to read an put it in CL

           18FD:7953 8B1E39C6      MOV   BX,[C639]
           18FD:7957 8A0F          MOV   CL,[BX]

           ; Setup the rest of the read information

           18FD:7959 BBAE3D        MOV   BX,3DAE
           18FD:795C 81C3D007      ADD   BX,07D0
           18FD:7960 B001          MOV   AL,01
           18FD:7962 B527          MOV   CH,27
           18FD:7964 8A163BC6      MOV   DL,[C63B]
           18FD:7968 B600          MOV   DH,00
           18FD:796A B402          MOV   AH,02
           18FD:796C CD13          INT   13

           ; Test for an error and jump if none is present (ie: the
           ; copy protection has been removed)

           18FD:796E 80FC00        CMP   AH,00
           18FD:7971 740C          JZ    797F

           ; test the bad read (protection is missing) 3 times

           18FD:7973 FE0E3CC6      DEC   BYTE PTR [C63C]
           18FD:7977 75D6          JNZ   794F
           18FD:7979 B80000        MOV   AX,0000
           18FD:797C EB13          JMP   7991

           ; Get next sector to check.  If finished, set the flag and
           ; return.

           18FD:797F FF0639C6      INC   WORD PTR [C639]
           18FD:7983 FE063DC6      INC   BYTE PTR [C63D]
           18FD:7987 803E3DC603    CMP   BYTE PTR [C63D],03
           18FD:798C 75C1          JNZ   794F
           18FD:798E B80100        MOV   AX,0001
           18FD:7991 C3            RET

         ; Check to see if the OK flag was set (ax = 0001h means check
         ; was good)
         18FD:038E 3D0100        CMP    AX,0001
         18FD:0391 7450          JZ     03E3

           The key check used in DA is quite simple.  It simple tries
         to read in the illegaly numbered sectors on Track 27h side
         0h.  If they are missing, it assumes that it is running a
         pirated copy.  What we must do, is to fool the scheme in to
         thinking a good read happened.  I choses to fake the read
         using the easiest method.  Since the protection scheme only
         check to see if AX returns the value > 0000h, I simply
         modified the routine at 1BFD:7934 to set AX to 0000h and then
         return.  Here is the new code (enter using debug's A

                 A 1BFD:7934
                 1BFD:7934 MOV AX,0000
                 1BFD:7936 RET

           Now, this file is unprotected and if you type "G" at
         debug's command prompt, the program will execute, sort-of.
         See DRAWASST.EXE calls DRAWASST.TWO which also has the
         protection scheme.  So both must be changed.  To make to
         changes perement in DRAWASST.EXE, rename the file to
         DRAWASST.DEB and edit it.  To find the address of the start
         of the protection code, use debug's search command...

                 S CS:0 FFFF B4 19 CD 21 8A D0

           Now, just uses the modified address to change the program
         (the code will still be the same, just all calls and jumps
         will be to diffrent addresses).  Use the same process to stip
         DRAWASST.TWO (it uses the exact same code).  When you have
         both of those files unprotected, you can move on to
         unprotecting the setup program "SETDRAW.EXE"

              DRAWASST.EXE AND .TWO are not the only programs that
         make calls to the protection routine.  SETDRAW.EXE also makes
         the above calls.  Although the check here is much easier to
         bypass.  Here is the asm listing of SETDRAW with all of the
         calls to the protection.  This time, I will not go in to
         quite as much detail as I did for the other two version.

           I will tell you this.  When SETDRAW checks the key disk,
         first it checks to see if the protection exists and then to
         see if the track hasn't been modified.  It again uses AX to
         determine what happeded.  I used Periscope to trace through
         the original version to find out what the correct values are.
           Here is the asm code...

         ; Initialization - checks the current mode and saves it.

         18FD:0000 1E            PUSH     DS
         18FD:0001 B80000        MOV      AX,0000
         18FD:0004 50            PUSH     AX
         18FD:0005 B8321A        MOV      AX,1A32
         18FD:0008 8ED8          MOV      DS,AX
         18FD:000A B40F          MOV      AH,0F
         18FD:000C CD10          INT      10
         18FD:000E 3C02          CMP      AL,02
         18FD:0010 740D          JZ       001F
         18FD:0012 3C03          CMP      AL,03
         18FD:0014 7409          JZ       001F
         18FD:0016 A28900        MOV      [0089],AL
         18FD:0019 B002          MOV      AL,02
         18FD:001B B400          MOV      AH,00
         18FD:001D CD10          INT      10

         ; Gets the current drive

         18FD:001F B400          MOV      AH,00
         18FD:0021 B419          MOV      AH,19
         18FD:0023 CD21          INT      21
         18FD:0025 A28700        MOV      [0087],AL
         18FD:0028 8AD0          MOV      DL,AL
         18FD:002A FEC2          INC      DL

         ; Checks the FAT descriptor

         18FD:002C B41C          MOV      AH,1C
         18FD:002E CD21          INT      21
         18FD:0030 8A07          MOV      AL,[BX]
         18FD:0032 BB321A        MOV      BX,1A32
         18FD:0035 8EDB          MOV      DS,BX
         18FD:0037 C606880000    MOV      BYTE PTR [0088],00
         18FD:003C 3CF8          CMP      AL,F8
         18FD:003E 742A          JZ       006A

         ; Read in protection scheme

         18FD:0040 8A168700      MOV      DL,[0087]
         18FD:0044 E87E0A        CALL     0AC5
         18FD:0047 C606880000    MOV      BYTE PTR [0088],00
         18FD:004C 3D0000        CMP      AX,0000
         18FD:004F 7419          JZ       006A

         ; Read in the dummy scheme

         18FD:0051 C606880001    MOV      BYTE PTR [0088],01
         18FD:0056 8A168700      MOV      DL,[0087]
         18FD:005A B84500        MOV      AX,0045
         18FD:005D E8BD0A        CALL     0B1D
         18FD:0060 3D0000        CMP      AX,0000
         18FD:0063 7405          JZ       006A

         ; Start of actual routine.

         18FD:0065 C606880000    MOV      BYTE PTR [0088],00

           There is isn't much to say about the above code.  To bypass
         it, we will change the hard drive check (int 21 function 1c).
         Do the same thing we did for DRAWASST.EXE

                A 18FD:2C
                18FD:002C mov AL,FD
                18FD:002E nop
                18FD:002F nop
                18FD:0030 nop
                18FD:0031 nop

           Now, just jump over the check to the key disk.

               A 18FD:40

               18FD:0040 jmp 0065

           And thats it.  Now SETDRAW is unprotected.  Drawing
         Assistant may be used, copied or backed up at your pleasure.

              As you can see, this was a good example although the
         fact that if you only made the changes in DRAWASST.EXE and
         not in DRAWASST.TWO then the program would copy DRAWASST.TWO
         to DRAWASST.EXE to restore the protection was a bit strange.

              Well, I hope you are proud.  But be warned, next we take
         on DOC checks, so get a good nights sleep.  Till then, play
         lots of SMASH T.V.

                                                      -Buckaroo Banzai

                                     page 9

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